ClickPro specialized in Digital Marketing, Website & E-Commerce Development.

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System Development Services

(Website Function with Apps & Plugins)

What are Website Applications?

A website application is a program, application or system that create by website development services and can save through online server and then show in the internet by internet interface such as website. Web applications can be access using any devices using web browser. Convert your manual process to system base will make your job easier and safe.

Website applications have a variety of uses and can be used by anyone, from a whole organization to an individual. Examples for website system is e-commerce shop. Additional, some of web application will have back-end side and front-end side.

How Website Applications Work?

Website application is very easy to access since it does not need to be download. Users or audience can access to it by web browser such as Google Chrome. For a website application to operate, it needs a website server, application server as well as a database. The web server can receive and manage the orders from clients while the application server will carry out the task. A database is use for storing information.

Web application usually have a short development cycle which can be made by even a small development team. Usually web applications front-end side are written in JavaScript, HTML5, or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Client-side programming also utilizes these languages, which help to build an application front-end. Server-side programming is done to create the scripts a web application will use by languages such as PHP, Python, Java, and Ruby.

Benefits of Using A Website Application

Allow multiple users to access through the same applications
Don’t need to install, access with network
Can access through different platforms such as desktop and mobile
Can be access through different browser such as Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge

Steps By Our Development Team For Your Application

Ensure Confidential
Before we start off our project, we will make an agreement to ensure that both parties will not leak the information of your business plan and strategy. It is a legal guarantee that both of us will not spill the beans.
Discussing ideas
At this stage, we will need to understand about your business nature, products, and strategy to understand the best approach that use to build your website and the application. We will guide step by step, and in the end, you have an overall idea about your website and the website application as well.
Technology applies
In Clickpro, we focus on your products and website first, we do not use the specific technology for your website applications without analyse the suitability of your products. We will try to match your products with the right programming language for your website application for the perfect idea and good relationship.
UX Strategy
We can also deliver UX to your business interface, if you have no UX yet. This will help to boost your UI and give better user experiences. This interface can help them to save time to study how it works and instead, focus on scope-related activities.
Maintenance for your website application
We provide continuous service for your website application from day 0, while maintain the best Quality Assurance and Quality Control. We focus well on maintenance services because the relationship between us and our customers is a long run. It’s our customer’s experience that drives new business to us.
In control of your product
Everything about your product is you. We will carry out our part to complete and execute your website application for you, however you will still be the owner of your product and application. We will keep checking and seeking for potential improvements for you.
100% project complete guarantee
In Clickpro, we will never dump or left your project to a dead end. We will guarantee a complete finish for your website application project, within the budget and time limited. However, if there are any additional features, these do need an extra budgets and time to allow us to fulfil your wish.

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