Reach All Your Potential Customers
Google Display Network (GDN) is a type of digital marketing services that functions as communicate across Malaysia as well as global media platform such like video platform, blog platform and others to make your business seen by the internet users. It also enables you to do “Retargeting marketing” or “Re-marketing” which appear on the certain website or follow the searchers until the conversion successful made.
How GDN Works?
GDN has a function which bring up the effectiveness after the combination targeted of placement, contextual and audience targeting tools. It creates efficiency and effectiveness to your business to reach your targeted customers at ease.
You may place your ads on the website, blog which relevant to your business, by showing the ads to the targeted customers, thus you ads will able to help your business gain awareness, drive sales and loyalty. Check out the advantages what GDN can helps you out.
Reach new traffic
Capture the end user attention with the relevance site. A way to engage users with appealing GDN ads format.
Select the site you want your ads appear
You may choose a specific site which you believe that many audience visit the sites per daily basis by showing your ads.
Engage users with appealing ad formats
GDN allow you to presents in the formats in text, image, video, and rich media. You may utilize different way of marketing to capture users’ attention and gain awareness.

Find the right audience is not easy but GDN can help your business bring up the online presence. More than 90% of the internet users across the web whereas more than 2 million of publisher sites are possible bringing your online presence if you are doing right. Let get started with your business goals, and let’s see what is the value that GDN can you bring you up.
Factors That You Need To Know To Build Audience
- Before setting up a campaign, you will have to think about where the target audience will use the products and how they will sign up your business. Those devices include computers, mobile phones, tablets and others.
- You will need to think about, does your business can be used easily on phones or small screen devices? For example, if your business is about mobile applications and games, then mobile phones and tablets will be a good idea for your advertising campaign. So, in this case, you may choose to exclude computers in your advertising audience.
- Google allow you to customize your target when it comes to your campaign. You can differentiate them into different age group, income level and location.
- By this option, it can help you to target only to the audience group that match your target and then drive traffic and sales to them.
- Before planning and launching your advertising campaign, you can go through some of the additional settings for websites with explicit content. This content settings can prevent your website to appear on some of the parked domains, sexually content sites and sensitive social issues sites.
- Google doesn’t mark these option default, so you will need to manually select them in order to prevent your website to show at undesirable websites. This action can also prevent your website and the advertising from gaining bad review from Google Algorithm.